Friday 10 August 2012

House Maintenance Calendar

Scheduling Maintenance on the Calendar

Everybody is busy in everyday life and so often house maintenance falls to the wayside. On top of that many tasks are not as apparent. Also, despite some of these being fairly simple DIY choirs some owners rely on professional service companies for all home maintenance. By scheduling tasks on the calendar and following tips you can keep your home in tip top shape and save a bundle in the long run.

Maintenance Calendar

checklist for reminders
Before scheduling anything first put together a checklist of tasks that need to be completed. Think about all the different appliances, fixtures, and areas of your house. Write down all the tasks you can and use online resources, like Home Maintenance Tracker, to help give you ideas.


Use the checklist to assign work on the calendar. This calendar could be put on the family calendar at your house or use online tools. Google calendar is a useful tool for anyone with a Google account. You can schedule events and set frequency to repeat each year and multiple times a year. Another useful tool that is more tailor to this topic is HMT (Home Maintenance Tracker). You fill out what items you'd like tracked around your house and it sets up a recommended maintenance schedule.


Now that all your maintenance is scheduled it is time to determine how you'll complete each choir. Use resources, like HMT, for tips and DIY examples to determine if you'd prefer to do it yourself or call a professional. You can certainly save a bundle by doing the work yourself, but the work has to be done correctly. If you feel it is too complex or you are unsure, call a professional.

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